Magnetic resonance imaging (RMN Bucuresti) uses strong magnets and radio waves to produce detailed pictures of soft tissues, organs and bones. It is a very useful diagnostic tool for many disorders, including certain cancers and brain tumors. MRI scanning does not use ionising radiation, which makes it particularly suitable for children and other sensitive patients. MRI is also an important adjunct to conventional imaging methods, such as computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound.
When a patient goes for an MRI scan, they enter the scanner lying on a motorised table that slides inside and outside the magnet. They may be given an intravenous (IV) injection of a paramagnetic contrast agent to enhance the appearance of the area being examined, if required. The injection is very well tolerated and adverse effects are very rare.
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A radiographer will prepare a report on the results and send it to the doctor who requested the test. It may take some time for the radiographer to examine the resulting film and make a decision about whether further investigation is needed.
The patient should inform the radiographer about any metal implants or other internal objects that they might have as these may increase the risk of an MRI scan. Patients with claustrophobia may not be able to tolerate an MRI examination, although there are open scanners available, and medical sedation can be used to make the test easier to tolerate.
Before an MRI examination, the patient should avoid eating or drinking anything except water for a few hours beforehand. If the patient has a medical implant in their body, they should also inform the radiographer as the implant might be affected by the magnet.