Breviceps adspersus, also known as the common Rain Frog or bushveld rain frog, is a rare amphibian that inhabits sandy and rocky areas of southern Africa. Unlike most frogs, these critters can’t swim or jump; their chonky round bodies and stubby legs are designed to dig into the ground instead. Their hind feet have specialized tubercles that enable them to sink into the sand and dig backwards. In the desert, rain frogs spend a large percentage of their time underground — and they don’t even need pools of water for breeding.
These common Rain Frogs are incredibly active, especially during the rainy season. They can be heard hopping and calling a number of times throughout the night, but the calls are much more frequent during the rainy season when they are in full force. During the dry season, they are almost completely silent.
Symphony of Rain: Exploring the Enchanting World of Common Rain Frogs
Like most amphibians, the rain frog is an egg-laying animal. Their young are born fully grown, meaning that they don’t have a larval stage as some other species do.
In the wild, a male and female will pair up in the summer and breed in burrows. Due to their rounded bodies and short legs, mating can be difficult for these frogs; the males are prone to falling out of the burrow. Fortunately, the females secrete a glue-like substance that holds the males in place until they are able to dig themselves out. During the mating process, the males sing their distinctive call to attract the females. It’s important to note that they don’t do this alone; groups of up to 10 rain frogs will sing together in a choir.